Germantown, MD (June 28,2021) The dialectic of our times is in full resonance with the energies of metamorphosis, emergence, regeneration and transformation that rippling into the forming of a nation rebelling against the British Empire while holding a fiery vision for independence and seeds of unity.

Due to the connection that each of you have to America, I am inviting each of you into a timely activity of HIGH PLAY over the course of four weeks. The anvil of our exploration will take place at the intersection of what you can access directly from your body’s innate wisdom to awaken, restore and harmonize your inner and outer world, meta’ing tools oriented to NOW and the Earth’s guiding wisdom, and deep connections to the larger community of life, the Earth and the Cosmos.

The alchemy of synthesis and distinction is the mandala of many unfolding lives. It is within this shared group field that much has fallen into place. I thank each of you for the role that you played within the Lit and Luminous community. The work of this year with all of you working vigorously within the richness of the templates has nourished the field into an aliveness that informs and shapes our resilience and serves as a buffer during the times we are a’livin’. The signs of the blooming of humanity are visible to me and the signs are encouraging.

If you feel the call jump in, I welcome you to register for this work of dynamic synthesis for Field Beings who recognize the call to scale in their ability to benefit all life through the activity with the Field of Being embedded in the Planetary field of Gaia.

Playing Full On